Heathen: The newer theories are focused on the end of paper currency and the RFID chip being implanted so they can track your movement all over and control what you buy . Makes sens to me . Only time will tell
BOTH. I have been hearing this theory for along time now, and nothing seems to be getting done about it. My take on this idea is this, to get the entire world to accept such a chip is ludicris, governments would be met with such opposition it would be impossible to impliment such a thing. They can't even stop a war, how could they even manage this.
NOW, lets get the entire world to voluntarily accept a chip, its already in your cell phone, Ipads, note books, some automoblies already have tracking devices in them. Semi-trucks already have them in them. Every street corner has surveilance cameras, with all the tracking devices already in place, what further purpose would a chip in the human body possibly serve? And the above mentioned items, It seems we cannot live with out them!!!!
My personal opinion regarding tracking the money is simply this, some sort of credit/charge card. When your employer pays you it goes to the card, when you purchace an item the transaction is already done, including the paying of the proper taxes. We are already being trained for this. Direct deposit into your bank account, on-line payment of your bills. Even here in N.M U.S.A., Fish and Game has gone completely paperless, if you do not apply online for your hunting permit, you dont go hunting. So in a sense we are already being conditioned to do everything electronicaly, so again what purpose would a chip in the human body serve? we are already voluntairly carrying such a chip .
While everyone is waiting for a big thing that is easly recognizable, all this subtle stuff is sneaking in, and no one squawks about having the mark! Unless your awake and see what is truly going on, you will be caught off guard.
It's the frog in boiling water!!!
Affectionately: Brother of the Hawk ( I will surrender my mind no more, forever )